Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Moderate Republicans Are Not a Myth!

Once upon a time, we had moderate republicans in our great state of Wisconsin.   There are some still left AND  they are voting for Lori Compas and Tom Barrett/Mahlon Mitchell! 

From the Capital Times , this letter from Barbara Lorman, former Republican State legislator:

Barbara Lorman: I was GOP lawmaker, but I’m voting for Barrett

May 31, 2012 4:45 am  • 
Dear Editor: Why would a longtime Republican and former legislator vote for Democrats Lori Compas and Tom Barrett? Why would a business looking to expand consider moving to a state that is ruled by right-wing extremists whose ideology has caused endless conflict? Why would anyone look up to leaders on a mission to tear apart public education just when we need educated workers more than ever?

I believe a national agenda is at work here that has little or nothing to do with us and a lot to do with changing how we will look to the rest of the nation. Ask yourself if you want us to look like those states where parents with enough money avoid the public schools.

Of the many issues that have upset so many, , I worry most about the undermining of public education. Just like good medical care and good roads, good education costs a lot. Without a doubt, quality teaching is expensive. The draconian slashing of funding and targeting of teachers has made me sad. Do we not want a top-notch technical college system? One of the best higher education systems? The best-prepared high school graduates? Did the governor not get just about everything he wanted when he was offered concessions from the unions? And why have teachers been made scapegoats for everything that is perceived to be wrong with Wisconsin? Where is this coming from? It needs to go away.

I served with Tom Barrett in the state Senate. He was well liked by Republicans and Democrats. He is smart and decent. He would be a healer and consensus builder. I have met with Lori Compas and have the same impression of her. I believe we must move away from the narrow emotional issues that divide us and have little to do with good government. We need people in Madison who will restore our faith and confidence — people who will govern with evenhandedness and an open mind. I believe Tom Barrett and Lori Compass are such people. They will receive my vote, and, I hope, yours.
Barbara Lorman
Fort Atkinson

More on Lori's opponent here!  

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