Today, the US Senate took up the bipartisan bill to expand background checks for gun purchases. 90% of the American people are for this bill and it lost in the US Senate in a vote of 54-46. Yes that is 54 yes votes and 46 No votes that stopped the bill, try explaining that to your kids.
While many people who were actual victims of mass shootings in the gallery to watch this historic day when we worked together to stop the problem of massive gun violence in the US. Unfortunately they, and all of us, were let down. As bad as it was for most of us Americans, the one person who was most upset was President Obama!
President Obama can deliver a speech when he is so moved and he nailed this one! I reposted the full speech here, since Fox News did not feel that it was important enough to show! We know that many of our readers on the right, only watch Fox news, so you are welcome.
Want to know how our "citizen legislator" voted when 90% of the citizens were looking for a YES vote?

As President Obama says "We have to send the RIGHT people to Washington". Boy did we screw that up royally in WI!
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