Sunday, July 1, 2012

Walker's Spendthrift Ways Hits Full Spectrum

I've already wrote about how Scott Walker's misguided spending priorities have hurt the state.

Instead of spending $4 million to educate children, he gave that money, despite claims of being broke, to Spectrum Brands in order to maintain jobs in Wisconsin. Not to create jobs, mind you, but just maintain them.

That $4 million instead went to Spectrum Brand's top executive David Lumley as part of his $13.7 million compensation package.  That'll really help the economy, won't it?

Well, maybe not all of that money went to the CEO.

Some might have gone to the legal defense fund of Philip Falcone, majority stock holder in Spectrum Brands, who was just charged with security fraud for manipulating the price of the stock.

As long as the money is being put to good use and not some waste, like teaching our children or providing health care to our poor, Walker is still happy.


  1. Great catch. Had missed this latest Walker "reverse Robin Hood."

  2. How much of this has to happen in order to wake up the electorate? Could the CEO have gotten by on 9.7 million? Shameful.
