Thursday, July 5, 2012

Republican Thugs - Attack the Kid!

As we posted here the other day, former republican wonderkid and Author Johnathan Krohn came out and let everyone know, that he was no longer the 13 year old kid who the republicans threw up on the mantle as the answer to all political questions.  

Krohn pointed out that he grew up, opened his mind and matured and was no longer a "social conservative" in fact he supports President Obama. Next comes the part of the story that EVERYONE knew was coming. The anger and hatred on the right could not let this go, they had to attack the 17 year old and they used their favorite misleading vessel, Fox "News", to do so!
"Well, I am in favor of Obamacare," he said. "I mean Obamacare and gay marriage, and I am pro-choice now. You know, it was social conservatism that was really the first thing to go."

Reflecting on his encounters at social conservative gatherings, he continued, "It's very much a very fundamentalist, strong Evangelical core that you have there. And, if you stray from that, a lot of the people in that area of conservatism have a problem with that, if you reach out a little bit and don't agree with them on one issue. They're very restrictive."

Asked about blowback he's experienced from conservatives in response to his political shift, Krohn acknowledged that some of the reaction has been critical, but stressed, "I changed my mind." Referring to coverage on Fox News he said, "They started making fun of me. I think one of the guys said if it was up to him he would have left me in the woods as a baby.

On the Daily Caller, they have written three articles about me, all of which called me names I can't repeat on television in 5:00 in the afternoon." One Daily Caller article published earlier in the day quoted an anonymous source who attended the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2009, who called Krohn "smug, condescending, and obviously completely ignorant of what he was saying." The source added, "To be clear, the fact that he was being used did not make the kid any less of a douche.”
What does it say about your network when the 17 year old your constantly attacking is more mature than anyone employed there?

It's real classy the way the right attacks people like this, yet everyone knew it was coming. One word of advice to Mr. Krohn, its going to get worse, their hatred and anger is bottled up and ready to explode!


  1. I wonder how many death threats he's received. I received my first death threats from Republicans when I was 17. It's sort of a right of passage once you start thinking and speaking freely, as the Founders of our country intended.

    If Bush was still President the kid would probably be on the No Fly list by now.

  2. I never had any actual death threats but I have had a particularly vile blogger keep wishing my cancer comes back and saying really nasty things about my kids.

  3. It's true that authoritarian followers (RWNJ evangelical OR Catholic "social" conservatives) have no conscience and no critical thinking skills. Therefore, they feel no guilt when they blindly and aggressively attack decent people. Make no mistake. These people buy into "American exceptionalism" crap and feel excepted from following the law and moral standards) when they blindly follow authoritarian leaders. Let's make it perfectly clear. They have NO internal moral compass so will blindly do the bidding of AMORAL leaders (like Walker, corps, and other GOP leaders). They excuse themselves by asking for "cheap grace"...then go and sin again and again in the authoritarian leaders' names.

  4. "It's very much a very fundamentalist, strong Evangelical core that you have there. And, if you stray from that, a lot of the people in that area of conservatism have a problem with that, if you reach out a little bit and don't agree with them on one issue. They're very restrictive."

    These are the counterparts in the U.S.A. to what we call "terrorists" in the middle east these days.

    In a lot of ways, they are very similar, if you think about it.

    Neither has the power to really do anything until they bring in that kind-of third party, Al qada, or example.

    So, in the U.S.A., what third party will terrorize us into conforming?
