Wednesday, June 6, 2012

We Fight On!

This came in the inbox tonight (emphasis theirs):
Dear Christopher,

We made him pay, and pay, and pay.

Scott Walker thought he could obliterate 50 years of bargaining rights by dropping a bomb on us.

We responded with the biggest popular uprising in Wisconsin history, occupying and surrounding the state Capitol for weeks. In the process, you inspired a national movement.

We responded by recalling two of his loyal followers in the state Senate last summer, and one more today. This gives us a pro-worker majority in the Senate, a majority that will block further attacks on worker rights.

We responded by collecting nearly 2 million recall signatures against Walker, his loyal lieutenant governor and four of his Senate followers.

And we forced Walker to spend a year selling his soul to out-of-state billionaires to come up with nearly $50 million to use on slick and slanderous campaign ads.

That’s right. Walker and his allies spent nearly $50 million to suppress the vote, smear opponents and silence the voice of working families across Wisconsin.

So-called independent groups have reported spending at least $16.3 million to prop up Walker. And Walker’s campaign has already reported spending $31.5 million. And the $47.8 million total almost certainly misses significant amounts of undisclosed spending.

Yes, Walker paid and paid again for attacking workers.

Unfortunately, he managed to squeak through the recall.

Recall elections are always extremely difficult for challengers and recalling incumbent governors is even harder. It had never been tried in Wisconsin, and has only succeeded two times in the history of our nation.

But the nearly 1 million Wisconsin citizens who signed recall petitions against Walker thought it was worth a try.

Trying and failing to do the nearly impossible does not mean we quit trying.
Trying to right a wrong is never easy.

We want to tell you that we are all proud of the hard work, energy and heart that you have shown since Walker launched his attack on us.

Our movement will not be stopped by any politician or any Koch funded corporate cabal.

We fight on.

AFSCME was born in Wisconsin nearly 80 years ago. We've been here long before this current crop of politicians and we will be here long after.

We existed and grew for many years without the kind of bargaining law that eventually assured decades of labor peace in Wisconsin. Even though Walker eviscerated that law, we will continue to fight for our members and for quality public services.

This struggle has energized a movement and built coalitions between public and private sector workers - union and non-union. Our movement is not going away.

Tonight, we want to offer our sincere thanks for all the blood, sweat and tears you have shed for this most recent effort.

We know that with the kind of heart you’ve shown, that you will never give in to those who want to take us back to the Gilded Age of the robber barons and unfettered corporate power.

Yes, we are all disappointed in tonight’s result.

But we’re also inspired. We’ve seen boundless creativity and commitment emerge in this most recent chapter of our long struggle. We’ve built new bridges and coalitions within our communities.

And with his $50 million campaign, Walker has made it very clear which side he is on.
Walker may have pulled out a momentary reprieve, but he’s paid a heavy price. And he’s revealed himself to be on the wrong side of history.

We are so proud to stand with you and the history you continue making. Thank you again for all you have done and for standing strong.

Tomorrow is a new day. We fight on.

In solidarity,

Jim Garity, President
AFSCME Council 40

Paulette Feld, President
AFSCME Council 24

Brian Stafford, President
AFSCME Council 48

Rick Badger, Executive Director
AFSCME Council 40

Marty Beil, Executive Director
AFSCME Council 24

Rich Abelson, Executive Director
AFSCME Council 48

This is a Wisconsin statute 11.29 communication to members and subscribers. Paid for by Wisconsin PEOPLE Conference PAC, Doug Burnett, Treasurer.


  1. We didn't win any Senate seats.

    1. Are you sure about that? Both the JS and the Racine Journal are tentatively calling Lehman the winner in Racine. There'll be a recount though, because it's really close.

    2. Yes, we did. Lehman won.

  2. "Racine's 21st Senate District showed Democratic challenger John Lehman leading incumbent Republican Sen. Van Wanggaard by less than 800 votes with all precincts reporting."

  3. Great letter.

  4. Sadly now we have gridlock in Madison as we know Dems will never work with Walker to continue moving this state forward. But the bigger picture here is unions now know their place in this state, they are no longer the bullies they once were they now understand that the taxpayers are the ones in charge, not unions.

  5. Preliminary results (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel) suggest John Lehman defeated GOP incumbent Van Wanggaard by less than 800 votes

  6. You cost the state $16 million. That's $16/recall signer but somehow I bey none of you will want to pay your fair share...

    1. That's nothing compared to what you will be paying for now.

    2. Sweetie, I've spent way more than $16 on the recall and I was glad to do it. It's your side that sees the price of everything and the value of nothing.

      Honestly, there was some idiot with a sign standing on a street corner in Madison, crowing about the 119 pieces of silver he allegedly saved on his property taxes. Really, it's worth it to destroy education and public services for $119 a year?

  7. Haw haw haw haw haw!

    Yesterday, the DAGGER was delivered and union goons are too blind to see it!

    Lehman's win is meaningless. In November, the Senate will likely be flipped back over to the Repubs. Enjoy your few months of powerless control. LOL

  8. Will this State Senate ever take a vote? Let's get real here, with re-districting it's likely the Democrats will have about 16 seats again in November. A win is a win, but controlling the state senate right now is pretty meaningless.

  9. Thanks for sharing this e-mail Capper.

  10. Umm, Recalls are difficult for challengers? Walker is the first governor who was re-elected. No wonder your side lost- lack of brain cells and lack of history knowledge.

    1. Are you denying that an incumbent has an advantage? Especially one that had months of fundraising without restriction. Thanks for making us all feel smarter.

  11. The DEMS will never work with Walker....They'll just leave the state! Almost socialism, it's our way or no way. REPS stood in there with Doyles garbage which is the way a democracy works. I've gone both ways but just couldn't go for all the shenanigans the DEMS were pulling. Also very impressed the budget was balanced and the $3 Billion dollar deficit was erased. I would not support a trolly around Milwaukee much less one around the state. By the vote tally, looks like most others had the same feeling.

    1. In other words, you're a right wing troll that listens to talk radio. Color me unimpressed with your talking points.
