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Not just a summit, but a career opportunity! |
Amazingly, all the RWNJs that tore into Barack Obama for holding a beer summit a few years ago are either now strangely mum on the topic or are calling the idea the greatest thing since sliced bread.
And as with all things Walker, his summit is starting to fall apart before it even happens.
Some Democrats - Mark Pocan, Kelda Helen Roys and Joh Erpenbach - are finding better things to do with their time. They recognize that this is not a sincere effort on Walker's part to reach out across the aisle. I can't say that I blame them. In fact, I wish more of the Democrats had that fortitude. Walker's never worried about working with the Dems before, despite claims to the contrary, why should anyone think he would start now?
There is no word if Walker will order the state patrol to find and bring in the missing Democrats feet first.
Even people from his own side are also refusing to attend.
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Rep. Steve Nass-ty (stock photo) |
In a radio interview on Monday, Nass-ty repeatedly called the comments as "vile." Leave it to a Republican to see truth and honesty as being vile. But if Nass-ty really wanted to punish the Democrats, he'd show up and talk to each of them. But then again, that would probably violate the constitutional protection against cruel and unusual punishment.
And if this is how Republicans act when they win, can you imagine how petulant they'd be if the election hadn't been bought for Walker?
Another suspicious angle to this whole fiasco is that Walker is closing it to the press and to the public. His excuse is laughable:
Lawmakers may bring their spouses and two staff members, but otherwise, the two-hour picnic is closed "to provide a relaxed environment for lawmakers to socialize with each other and with the governor," said Walker's spokesman Cullen Werwie.
It makes sense to keep the picnic private to encourage conversations and avoid accusations that it's just a photo opportunity, said Brandon Scholz, a Republican consultant and former state party executive director who's now head of the Wisconsin Grocers Association, which handled food for the event. The menu was to be released Monday afternoon.Don't let him fool you. Walker is still going to make this into a photo op. He just closed it to the media because he wants to control the message that comes out of it, which is the false message of bipartisanship and working together. Again, this is something we know all too well as being false.
The fact that you have all but four of the state legislators together in a meeting closed to the public is also a shining example of the flagrant disregard that Walker has for the law, such as open meeting laws.
Finally, I certainly hope someone follows up with looking into whether all of the food and beverages are truly being donated, as Walker claims that they are. He made the same claims about the food and beverages served during Operation Freedom, with complaints that the donors were being rewarded and/or threatened into making these donations. We've already seen that Walker is a slow learner. There is no reason to believe that this would be any different.
Will Gov. Walker's Communications Directors Tweets be addressed?
ReplyDeleteCommunications Director Ciara Matthews.
Ciara Matthews @turnsc
Hey @SykesCharlie are you still feeling as good today as you did yesterday, because... I KNOW I AM!!! #TheTasteOfVictoryIsSweet
7 Jun Ciara Matthews Ciara Matthews @turnsc
I know people have been joking about @gjzielinski missing. But I am legitimately getting worried. Graeme, dear... Are you okay?
7 Jun Ciara Matthews Ciara Matthews @turnsc
@DanielBice I'm sure you see the irony in their sudden interest in cordial discord and politeness.
6 Jun Ciara Matthews Ciara Matthews @turnsc
Attn #WisDems: No leg. session until 2013 = symbolic state senate majority. Your one seat accomplishes zero. Just like your recall efforts.
Are there any updates on the John Doe or congress issues for Mr. Walker?
ReplyDeleteI expect that when "john doe" is indicted his supporters will be scattering light rats when the lights come on. LMAO
ReplyDeleteMaybe because he lost his rubber-stamp when Democrats took control of the senate?
ReplyDeleteLets see they took control of a senate that won't be back in session until nest year and before that there are elections where a number of Dems are going to be in trouble.....yeah congrats on taking control.
DeleteBut it also precludes the Republicans from calling a special session thus preventing further damage. By the time they resume their regular session, Walker will be busy in court.
DeleteIf the press was invited Dems would call it a photo op for Walker. If the press is not invited, it's "suspicious". Numerous local producers, breweries, bakeries, & brat makers will be used for the event.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it time to move on? Aren't there any grownups in the room that are at least willing to say they "tried" to unit Wisconsin?
We did try, but Walker's supporters bought the election and thus we won't have it for two more years.
DeleteSuck it up, cupcake. We're still holding Walker and the GOP responsible for their behaviors.
It appears Anonymous that you were one that voted for him, why are you afraid to show yourself with a real name? If this is truly a 2 hour lunch it should have to be no meeting taking place at all or it is considered a closed door meeting and well cupcakes or not state matters are not to happen behind closed doors unless there is something to hide. I just find it hard to trust someone who kicked me in the head financially in one of his illegal meetings.
DeleteHow about a group willing to grow up and follow open meetings laws for a change??
DeleteThe dems and unions have done everything possible to divide this state the last 17 months and they continue the childish behaviors. Just look at yesterday. The Dems have only one goal in mind what is best for them and to hell with the rest of the state.
DeleteYou're so silly! You can't even tell the difference between Dems and Repugs!
DeleteTo anon at 7:29: The front page article about Jim Tiejen's termination is interesting. Computer records show his landcaping business email being forwarded to his county email address--doing personal work on county time. Employees of his landscaping business doing work for county vendors, and. . . he ordered his county employees to solicit donations from county vendors for Operations Freedom Fund. He was a witness in John Doe. He is listed in the complaint as having not been aware that he was the Secretary/Treasurer of Operation Freedom fund.
ReplyDeleteHe admits all of this, yet his firing is not justified? He tarnished his own career.
screw his brats, how about giving people back their health insurance who need it and stop being such a weinie
ReplyDeleteCaligula, lost in bratfest dreamland.
ReplyDeleteGreat blog. Walker's "summit" is just another smoke-and mirrors-stunt.