Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Party Of Life, Indeed

Which is worse?

That Massachusetts has condemned hundreds of thousands of people to their deaths or that the right wing is celebrating the mass murder?


  1. Capper- GOPpers don't care if they ruled over a pile of dirt, as long as they could tell others that they ruled over it. Does that answer your question?

    The bigger message- when you kiss up to Wall Street and don't deliver on what you were elected to do (diminish corptocracy, pass MAJOR health care reform, and end the wars), people end up angry or they get indifferent on Election Day. And that's the opening the lovers of the dirt empire want.

    Go strong and go left or go home. The Dems better understand that.

  2. Hmmm. I think "the right" THINKS they can celebrate the end of obamacare, (as you seem to be referring to), but I seriously doubt that fight is over.
    If it IS over (which I think it's not) I would surely be a celebrator, and I would be celebrating the death of a bill, not of "hundreds of thousands" of people.
    ...and here's to hoping neither sides extreme rhetoric bears any fruit !!!

  3. Or it means that the people of the MA just are sick of liberal policies. They totally rejected the liberal philosphy. But then, you don't realize that, do you?

  4. Actually, Massachusetts already adopted a health care plan that is similar in many respects to "Obamacare" several years ago, when Mitt Romney was Governor. Everyone is required to buy health insurance or face a fine, and there is no public option. Massachusetts residents would get no additional benefit from federal health care reform legislation, and their taxes would go up to subsidize the uninsured in other states. The election, like the Congressional election in New York a couple months ago, demonstrated that local self-interest is the biggest motivator to get people to the polls.

  5. Scott Brown is more liberal than conservative. He can't even bring himself to call himself a "republican"...which says a lot. Work needs to be done...hopefully...eventually...we will all start working together.

  6. capper...he's not advocating for the end of health care reform...he just wants to make sure it is done right. I know you would agree the way things are going in Washington...it can't hurt to get more independent thinkers in there who are listening to the people.

  7. Oh how the Moonbats howl.

    Damn us for not being socialists!

  8. Yes, Patrick. We all know your motto is "Profits before people," and you worship the almighty dollar above all else.

  9. Wow...Patrick ventures out of his echo chamber today. It's not surprising he has nothing of substance to offer to the conversation.

    Scott Brown's stance on abortion...*it's ultimately up to the woman to decide*...and Patrick is singing this baby killers praises. Hypocrite.

  10. Anon, Brown is a social moderate at best, and his abortion stance was well known. I am not and never claimed to be a single issue voter.

    If I agree with one candidate on 80% of the issues and don't agree on any issue with the second candidate, I would be stupid to vote against the 80%. Voting for the one I totally disagree with, or not voting at all would be the true hypocrisy.

  11. Capps, my friend, you're over the top here. Put an ice bag on your head, have an ultimate cheeseburger, and relax. You're starting to sound like Olberman. I couldn't handle that. I'll have a post up a little later. Let me know what you think.

  12. Before I start, I will apologize for what is likely to become an off topic post. I don't usually like to do that, but I'll make an exception here.

    First I'll address your ridiculous assertion that somehow the largely Democrat Party voters in Massachusetts are mass murderers. Democrats may be goofy on many issues, but those folks are sending us all a message from the other side of the government controlled health care fence. They have it already and those Democrats are letting the rest of us know that the grass there is not greener... in fact it's brown and weedy... with lot's of dead spots. We should listen to the Massachusetts Democrat voters on this issue.

    Now, to head off topic:

    --- ranting on---

    OMG... capper is Chris Liebenthal? While you all probably know this, I just found out. Capper has the nerve to support Mayor Barrett and the massive cuts the mayor has made to the Milwaukee Fire Department.... cuts that place many lives in danger of fire loss (two have already died), poor EMS response and now those cuts have placed Milwaukee citizens safety in the hands of volunteer suburban fire departments. The cuts also resulted in the loss of many union jobs. Mayor Barrett has also cut, or furloughed many of the Fire Departments civilian employees as well as police officers. I just saw a picture of Mr. Capper in an AFSCME union "No More Cuts" T-shirt. Really capper, how can you advocate for no more union job cuts and then so whole-heartedly and completely support Mayor Barrett doing the exact same thing to another union...several other unions actually.

    AFSCME is a member of the AFL-CIO. Same goes for the Fire and Police unions in the City of Milwaukee. Unions that you are undermining with your support of the Mayor Barrett. Unions have terms for guys like you. Often it's scab, or company man.... and worse. You are a huge hypocrite on the whole job cuts issue. If you hold any official position within the union, you should resign it (or they should toss you out). You are rather a disgraceful union member.

    As far as supporting the loss of life.... you've supported the policies that led directly to two deaths within the City of Milwaukee. You should be ashamed of yourself to try and imply that the GOP stands for the loss of life when you, yourself, have backed the policies of Mayor Tom Barrett so fully and publicly.

    ---ranting off---

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled commentary.

    btw, here is the picture I found: http://media.journalinteractive.com/images/budget10p4.jpg

  13. Now...you see Patrick...you can be civil and add to the discussion. Hopefully it wasn't too painful...and just because you were so civil (in your last comment) I won't call you a "troll"...

  14. Actually, if you knew what you were talking about, you would congratulate me on being a good union man, since the AFL-CIO has already endorsed Barrett.

    Why aren't you concerned about Walker who cut 20% of the employees and already has publicly threatened state workers?

  15. I have never said anything regarding my feelings on Walker. I am pointing out the hypocrisy of your supporting the massive union lay-offs and furloughs that Mayor Tom has perpetrated, and your complaints that Walker has done the same.

    Do you support the elimination of union jobs or don't you? You can't support it one time and be against it another time. Which is it capper?

  16. And what "massive union layoffs" would those be?

    I do know Barrett sat down and did fair bargaining with the unions, and they signed off on two contracts that AFSCME ratified.

    Walker, not so much so. A year and a half later, all we have is a lawsuit coming up.
