Monday, July 20, 2009

Bragging Rights?

Scott Walker is making a big deal out of his latest campaign financial statement, stating he raised $1.1 million in campaign funds. But is it really that big of a deal?
Walker, a Republican hoping to unseat the Democratic incumbent, raised $1.1 million and had that same amount on hand, according to a report filed Monday. Doyle raised $903,586 but had more than $2 million in his war chest.
Walker's been actively campaigning for years, including his illegally corporate-financed campaign bike ride, and was only able to raise a couple of hundred thousand more than a guy who hasn't even announced whether he is going to even run.

And if that wasn't enough, he is still third in the raise in regards to the overall size of campaign war chests.

Not exactly signs of a top contender.

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