Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Gaffe Regarding A Gaffe

This sounds like it should be from the Onion, but it is too plausible:
Remember during the presidential primaries when Joe Biden described Barack Obama as "articulate and bright and clean?"

According to Renegade: The Making of a President, President Bush didn't understand the resulting controversy.

"Bush was so taken aback with the public criticism of Biden that he called in his African American secretary of state Condoleezza Rice. 'I don't get it,' he said. 'Condi, what's going on?' Rice told him what everyone else had said: that white people don't call each other articulate."
And people wonder why the country is still cleaning up from the last eight years.


  1. So, why would the author point out that Condi Rice is black? Seems like the author has some race issues themselves.

  2. Dan, that had to be about the most obtuse comment I've ever seen from you.

    Do I have to start up the "Thanks for making me feel smarter already" mantra again?
