Wisconsin State Representative Don Pridemore issued a press release today lamenting the Puppy Mill Bill. Pridemore feels that the bill goes to far in protecting dogs:
I believe that many legislators supporting this bill, including the authors, are well intentioned and as concerned about the humane treatment of animals as I am.Unfortunately, the good legislator apparently thinks that people won't abuse animals as long as they don't sell or board more than two of the dogs a month. Don't ask me why he feels that way. It doesn't make any sense to me, either.
However it appears that some have taken an issue that brings forth powerful emotions, and are willing to use it to expand government into areas that go beyond the real issue. While I agree that Puppy Mills should be investigated, and better regulated, in order to eliminate the habitual offenders. Smaller breeders should not be lumped together with Puppy Mills.
This does make sense to me though:

While I support his bill, there is something that ticks me off about it. While the bill is worthwhile, why did it get before they get around to fixing the child welfare system, which is still broke. Are they saying that the puppies are more important than our children?
Good I didn't read this last night...I would never have gotten to sleep.
ReplyDeleteAnyone can look at the stats on the MADACC website and see how many dogs are killed every month just in that one shelter, and then they can pick up a newspaper and read all the ads for "puppies for sale" listed every day. It doesn't make sense to keep breeding dogs just to kill them. It's inhumane and all this excessive breeding needs to stop.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that every time I go up north or read a paper from the northern lands, there is another story of one of these mills being shut down. How did people keep their eyes closed for so long that there are so many?
ReplyDeleteTheir eyes weren't closed. People think making a few bucks is more important than a dogs life. Too many greedy, cruel, and heartless people out there which is why we need laws on the books to protect dogs/animals.
ReplyDelete"Are they saying that the puppies are more important than our children?"
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, yes. Just look at all the coverage over Obama's dog. No, this is not a slap at Obama- I'm glad he got a nice dog, but it is just a dog.
What does "just a dog" mean to you Dan?
ReplyDeleteIt's not a human being. It's an animal. And Obama's dog is just a dog, not worth the fawning over by the press and other pundits.
ReplyDeleteDan, Humans are also animals.
DeleteDan...did anyone on here say a dog was a human being? I would never insult a dog by calling him or her a human being. ;-) But...to say "it is just a dog" kind of sounds as if a dog's life doesn't have any value to you. Dogs do great things for human beings and all they want in return is to be treated respectfully and/or humanely. Allowing people to breed dogs just so they can make a few bucks at the same time we are killing them daily in shelters across the country doesn't make any sense to me. Does it make sense to you? Dogs deserve better. You know...there are times when making money just isn't the most important issue at the table.
ReplyDeleteYou know...there are times when making money just isn't the most important issue at the table.Hey, you're starting to sound like me. I must be a good influence after all. ;)
ReplyDeleteAnon, I quoted from the artice, what Capper said.
ReplyDeleteWhile no one here has compared dogs to humans, you have to admit some people go overboard and think a dog is more valuable than a human life.
When a person is accused of abusing dogs, there are many people who go nuts. They hang out in court, call for the death penalty, threaten the person's life. When a child is abused or murdered, the dog/animal lovers don't give a crap. Those people are just sick.
No doubt, dogs provide love and comfort and provide services such as search and rescue and help the disabled and those dogs should be treated with respect. On the other hand, dogs have also maimed and killed and those dogs need to be put down.
capper...I would bet we agree about more things than we disagree on...however those things we disagree on are big.
ReplyDeleteAs far as you (or anyone else) influencing me...not a chance. :))
When a child is abused or murdered, the dog/animal lovers don't give a crap. Those people are just sick.That's a fairly moronic thing to write. And ... you have proof of this?
ReplyDeleteThis bill is a waste of time. If anything it should be stricter! Those in congress and the senate should be looking at the economy not things like this. It are these 'hobby' breeders he refers to that lead to larger puppy mills when someone realizes that they can make a buck. Plus the fact that I highly doubt there are any puppy mills in Hartford he has no reason to even bring this to thte table. I am sick of all the suburban, Madison, and Milwuakee elected officials thinking they they know what the rest of the state needs/wants! Go north and see what people really think about these puppy mills! And really it's not hard to get a license, plus the fact it brings in more moeny and makes those thinking of doing this as a 'hobby' will think twice when it comes down to getting a license