Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Obama Leads In The Polls

Despite all the concern trolls on the right that wonder why Senator Barack Obama doesn't have a bigger lead in the polls, the AP-Ispos shows that Obama is doing just fine, considering it's still early in August, and McCain has been desperately trying to smear Obama, even though McCain cannot come up with one substantial attack that doesn't backfire on him.

From Yahoo News:
Obama is ahead of his Republican rival 47 percent to 41 percent, The Associated Press-Ipsos poll showed. The survey was taken after the Democratic senator from Illinois had returned from a trip to Middle Eastern and European capitals, and during a week that saw the two camps clash over which had brought race into a campaign in which Obama is striving to become the first African-American president.

McCain, the senator from Arizona, is leading by 10 points among whites and is even with Obama among men, groups with whom Republicans traditionally do well in national elections.

Obama leads by 13 points among women, by 30 points among voters up to age 34, and by 55 points among blacks, Hispanics and other minorities, the poll shows.

Even McCain's lead among white men is not something that McCain rest easy about. The erudite Brew City Brawler, citing a piece from TPM, points out that Obama is doing more than alright among working white voters, leading McCain by 10 percentage points. Brawler continues citing TPM:

In an even bigger shocker, it turns out that Obama's advantage is partly driven by the fact that he's better on an issue of importance to these voters: Health care. Seven in ten working class whites polled say government should focus on getting people like them health insurance they can afford, a key Obama position.

If this poll is accurate, McCain is dramatically under-performing among these voters. Will we be hearing a "McCain's working class whites problem" meme anytime soon?

Maybe McCain might want to hold onto some of his air gauges. He may need them when he is working at the gas station to work off that big gift that he got from Big Oil.


  1. I find it super disturbing that the polls are all so different. I mean, I watched the 1st minute of Dan Abrams last night and his lead-in story was that they were neck and neck. I can't stand his show anymore since it went all glitzy/fauxnoise-like and his panels are all annoying assholes (esp. when he has Tucker Carlson who I hate with the heat of 100 hot suns). So WTF is going on? Which polls do you think actually are legit?

  2. I really hope Obama wins. We've had enough of the Republicans over the last 8 years

  3. myspace,

    I agree.


    Polls are only snapshots of a fluidic course. And this early in August, none of them are worth a damn. Not to mention that most of them don't use a large enough sample to be anywhere near accurate. It is just something for the chattering heads to chatter about.
